Meet Logan

Logan has a passion for invention and creation. He has an eye for detail and can turn his hand to almost all things. He enjoys spending time with his wife and walking their dogs. Logan is also a nature lover and has been an avid surfer his whole life.

If you were to look at a photo of one of New Zealand’s most photogenic churches, The Kohekohe church, then you are looking at the handy work of Logan’s Great Great Grand

Father. Along with his Great Great Grand Father, his Granddad also built furniture for the family and the local church. Complete with a childhood of tinkering, playing and

helping his dad during numerous projects, from renos to motor rebuilds. The chances of Logan not getting the bug to build, fix and create was never an option. Over Logan’s life

he has worked within a multitude of crafts and has had a passion for invention, design, exploring and making things. Woodworking has always been number one through it all.